:::It's a long weekend: Are you doing some planting? Keep this in mind.

Plant Selection

Proper plant selection for the sites soil conditions, exposure and spacial requirements will reduce future maintenance and problems caused by crowding and obstacles. The International Society of Arboriculture points out that

  • large shade trees, i.e. oaks, should be placed about 50 feet (15 m) from each other.
  • Medium sized trees, such as red maple, should be spaced about 35 feet (10 m) apart.
  • Hawthorns, crabapples, and redbuds would be considered small trees and should be planted about 15 to 20 feet (4-6 m) apart.
  • Placing shrubs at a distance of half of their ultimate spread away from the building will allow for adequate growth.

Generally the spread of a tree's crown is equal to that of its height. When planting close to a building, a tree should be placed about half its ultimate height away from a building to allow the crown to develop freely.


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